Jacob Lethbridge
Motivational Speaker
Who am I?
I am Jacob Lethbridge. Born and raised in Dundas, Ontario I grew up with a passion for the big stage. I love the feeling of helping people live the life they want! I am a husband and a father; family always comes first for me. I am a dreamer and an adventure seeker. Some of my favourite places to go are on cruise ships and to Aruba.
What am I all about?
Dreaming big. You only get one shot at this life ~ so why play small? We all have that dream, that vision in our heads of what we want our life to be. As Napoleon Hill used to say, "whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve!" This is my driving force. I know that if you can see it your mind you can hold it in your hands. Dream big - it's possible.
Living the life you're meant to. I truly believe that power comes from within; the mind is an amazing goal-seeking organism. Remember, you don't need to know HOW you're going to do it, just know that you are GOING to do it! I truly believe we can choose to create whatever it is we want for ourselves and our lives. I choose to create a sense of happiness and joy. It may not be possible every day, but I am certain there is good in every day, you just need to find it.
Celebration and gratitude. Every day there are things we can celebrate and be grateful for! Do you want to live your dream? Of course, you do! Find some time each day to celebrate and be grateful for what you have. You will put yourself in a higher vibration and literally attract more things to celebrate and be grateful for. Create a gratitude list, celebrate your victories (you said no to that doughnut today? congratulations!) Try creating a victory log for each success you have during the day and watch it grow!
Doing something that matters. I believe each of us has the capacity to make a difference in this world – and I want to do just that – somehow, somewhere. I believe each of us has deep reservoirs of talent and ability... Each of us has gifts to share with the world. When you recognize your talents and abilities, and allow yourself to shine, you will encourage others to shine, too.
A motivational speaker and entrepreneur, Jacob is on a mission to help you break free from your comfort zone and start living the life you have always dreamed about. He holds an Honours BA in Communication and a Certificate in Public Relations. As a member of Toastmasters International, Jacob has advanced in several speaking competitions and taken home several "Best Speaker" awards. Jacob loves to dream big and help others achieve their dreams. For the past 4 years, Jacob has been studying the work of great inspirational leaders, Bob Proctor being the biggest influence on his life. He dreams of helping people around the world live their dream. Jacob believes that the only limits we have are the ones we give ourselves, and his purpose is to help you break those limits.
Jacob Lethbridge
Motivational Speaker
Tel: 905-928-1056