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The Three Keys to Success

Over the past few years, I have looked for what really makes someone successful at something. I have asked different people with varying degrees of education and income, and I have found that the three keys listed below are what truly make the difference.

Key 1: Vision

Vision is the initial stage of success for any person. Vision is where imagination takes over and you are able to tap into your inner creative force. The mind is a magnificent storehouse of creativity and because of this; you are able to pull fresh ideas from seemingly thin air. For anyone to be truly successful, in whatever they choose for their success to be in, they must have a solid vision of what they want. You see, we think in pictures. If I were to say the word “boat” for example, you wouldn’t think B O A T, you would picture a craft floating on the water. This is why it is important to have a vision of the success you want. The clearer the picture in your mind, the clearer your vision of success is.

One of the main reasons I love this stage of success is because it gives you unparalleled freedom. Nobody can have control of your mind except for you, and what you choose to imagine is entirely up you. You can create whatever kind of vision you want for your life, and nobody can change what you see. Look around at all the things that are around now that began in somebodies mind – A car, a movie theatre, your smartphone. All of these were at one point just an idea in somebodies mind. However, when expressing your vision, there can almost certainly be someone who is going to call it “stupid” or “a waste of time” or “that idea will never work!” How many people do you think said that to Henry Ford when he created his first car? Or when the Wright Brothers said they were going to build a flying machine? These great visionaries have helped define the modern world, and they did so using the same thing each of us has – their minds.

Key 2: Decision

Decision is the second key to success. Once you have your vision clearly stated there comes a point where you have to make a decision. Is this something you actually want to do? Or will it remain a dream for the rest of your life? Decision is fundamental to success because without it nothing would ever get past the visioning or daydreaming stage. Almost everything you do is based on a decision. We make hundreds of decisions a day! Think about this morning when your alarm clock went off. Did you decide to get up out of bed or hit the snooze button for another 5 minutes? Fast forward to lunchtime – what did you decide to eat today? Was it healthy or unhealthy? Although these examples may seem impractical, they are used to demonstrate the amount of decisions you make every day without even thinking about them! Now, linking your success with decision can reap huge rewards! Let’s say you want to create a website for your business. Well in your mind you use visioning to see how the website will look. It might have a video as soon as a user clicks on it, a funky banner, or it could be clean and simple. You decide what you want your website to look like. There are many great websites that have preloaded designs for you to use and an abundance of companies that can create a website for you with your vision in mind.

Making decisions are one key to success. Making the decision to take action is even better.


Key 3: Action

Action is the final key to success. The reason it is the last key is because it is the one that opens the door to your success. It is the last lock on the door to your freedom. You’ve created a clear vision, you’ve decided to roll with it and now you are going to take action to make it a reality. Action is what separates the truly successful from the unsuccessful. The people who take action are the ones who achieve what they want because they decided to go out and do it! It has been said that Thomas Edison, the man who created the electric light, failed 10,000 times before getting it right. Now imagine for a moment if he stopped trying after the 500th time and said “well this idea will never work.” We would possibly still be using candles and oil lamps to light our houses and offices! It was because Mr. Edison had a vision of creating a lamp that used electricity as its power source and decided that he would be the one to create it, and he did. He ​took action on his vision, decided he was going to do it and he did it. I know this may seem repetitive but if success is something you truly want, following these keys is how to get there.

Now is the time to embrace your vision of a better you, make the decision to be the best person you can be. Bob Proctor’s Programs can help you get there. Head on over the Bob Proctor Programs page to pick a program that is right for you! You won’t regret the decision!

Jacob Lethbridge

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