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4 Ways to achieve any goal in 2018

2018 has just started and if you're anything like me, you've decided on a bunch of goals to achieve this year. In this post I'm going to share with you the tools I used last year to nearly double my income in 2017 and how you can use these same tools to make 2018 your best year yet!

Every year I like to assign a word to my year that will be the main focus for all of my goals. A word that when I hear it, speak it, or write it reminds me to get back on track and achieve my goals. Last year, in 2017, my word was "career." I focused almost my entire agenda on building the foundation of my career and experimenting with new ways I could add value to both the organisation I was working for and build my own knowledge.

This year, my word is "intentional." The reason I chose this word is because one of the last books I read in 2017 was John C, Maxwell's book Intentional Living. This book had a profound impact on how I wanted to live my year in 2018 and every year moving forward. After all, with a daughter on the way I want to be the best father I can be and be a strong provider for my family. I chose the word "intentional" because it means that every action I take, every decision I make will be intentionally done - done on purpose. This way I can achieve what I want without having to fill my mind with unnecessary clutter.

See, my dream is to help people all over the world, over 10 million people world-wide to be specific. I want to deliver to them material and content that can change their lives for the better; but not just their lives, the lives of those around them... the people they care about, the people they serve. I want to empower people to take charge of their lives and live the life they have always dreamed of living. To help them realise their full potential and grow with them on their journey.

This year's focus is all about being intentional because if I want to achieve my goal of helping those 10+ million people around the globe, I need to get my act together and become intentional about the activities I take part in and the actions I take toward that goal.

Now on to the tools I mentioned at the start. These tools are more like daily activities that I disciplined myself to do each and every day to become more successful. I know that if you follow them you can achieve all that you want in 2018!

1. Decide what you want

Quantify what you want - how much by when. For example "I will make 52 YouTube videos this year to empower, motivate, and inspire people around the globe." When you give yourself a target you are more likely to go after that number no matter what it takes.

2. Understand your why

This is coupled with #1 and really should be at the head of the list. Think about why you want your

goal. Why do you want to make those 52 YouTube videos - for money? for fame? to build a skill? But go deeper than that. For example, the reason I get up in the morning and do what I do, the reason I study as much as I do is because I want to provide my daughter with the life I never had. A great resource for discovering your "why" is Simon Sinek. His Tedx talk is a phenomenal way to learn how to understand your "why." His "golden circle" is a great way to visualize the process.

3. Write it out

Once you've decided on your goal write it out in the present tense on a goal card and if you can laminate it and keep it with you. Read it each morning and each night with passion, like you already have it! Start off your card with "I am so happy and grateful now that..."

4. Study

Always be learning new things. Awareness is the key to everything and the only problem we have is ignorance. When you begin to read daily, listen daily, and watch daily videos about your speciality you will find that the fears you once had start to disappear and your knowledge will begin to grow. Think of when you were a baby - you did not know how to walk, but as you got up and kept trying you eventually learned to put one foot in front of the other and maintain your balance well enough to walk - you became aware of the process. This sounds like silly example, and it is. But the principle is true. When you do something over and over again it eventually becomes a part of you and you become knowledgeable.

If you head over to the "Bob Proctor Programs" section of the website you will find some of the programs that have helped me tremendously change my life. A great majority of what I learned has come from Bob and his programs and I can guarantee you that if you follow these 4 steps you can make 2018 your best year yet!

To your success,

Jacob Lethbridge

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