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How to use the Law of Attraction

Welcome back to my blog! This week I am focusing on the Law of Attraction and answering some of the common questions I receive in regards to its power. Before I get into the questions, I think it would be best to give a brief overview of the Law of Attraction (LOA) for those of you who are not familiar with the concept.

Understanding the Law of Attraction

Whether we realise it or not, the Law of Attraction works in each of our lives. All of our results, all of the things we have in our life are the result of this magnetising force. But what is the Law of Attraction? Basically, the LOA states that like attracts like. Which means that what you think about you attract. The movie The Secret did a good job at giving an overview of this powerful force, but a lot of people are still unaware of how to really use it’s power.

See, to understand and really use the Law of Attraction, you need to get in harmony with what you want. When people start to study and learn about the LOA, a lot of people (including myself) think that if they repeat affirmations over and over again they are going to attract that into their life. For example, repeating “I am earning $1,000,000.00/year” over and over again will not really do too much for you UNTIL you begin to attach emotional intensity to it. To use the Law of Attraction most effectively, you absolutely must attach emotion to the thing you want. Most people forget this, and then stop believing in the power.

Another key to getting the Law of Attraction to manifest what you desire is to take action. A lot of people believe that if they feel something strong enough and repeat affirmations with enough intensity they will attract what they want. And for the most part that is true, but the real key is to take action. If you want to manifest being an Olympic gold medalist, you can repeat with emotional intensity “I am so happy and grateful I am receiving the Olympic gold medal” and all you do is sit on the couch playing video games, its going to be very hard to achieve that medal.

Law of Attraction Q&A

Like I said at the beginning of the article, I get asked a variety of questions on the subject, and I wanted to share some of them with you here in the hopes that if you are going through something similar, you can take the advice and learn from it.

Health and Body

Question: I'm really struggling to manifest health, I can’t let go of worrying about my health problem any advice?

Answer: IN THE MIDST OF illness. Focus on health, speak health, read health, visualise yourself the way you want to be and feel, think of how u felt when you were healthy, remember u get what u focus on, repeat " I am healthy " over and over like song. Feel the feelings of health, remember the times you were at peak physical health and dwell on those thoughts. Health problems are generally the result of something that is going wrong in your life that is effecting you on a subconscious level. I have a friend who is constantly stressed out about what is happening in her life – the result is that she is constantly sick and attracting pain into her life. However when I spoke with her about what the root of the problem was, and coached her on how to make the situation better her health started to drastically improve and she was happier, healthier and less stressed. The advice I gave her was what I wrote above – get to the root of what is bothering you, feel and think thoughts of health , and visualise yourself the way you want to be and feel.


Question: I believe there is a situation from last year that hurt me (splitting with an ex) is blocking my process of LOA, how do I clear this?? Obviously if he pops into my head I can’t stop this. Help!

Answer: Write down why you are grateful to be free and single. New and exciting things come along and you’re free to do what you like are some. Have fun with LOA but most of all be positive. The heavy feeling is trying to tell you something, and that is most likely you have unresolved issues around this person. Every time he pops into your head wish him well and then do a mental swipe to get him out of your head. There are things like forgiveness letters that you can write to him or thanking him and then burn the letter and release it.

Here’s what she wrote back to me two weeks later:

Thank you for your advice! It took about a week but it worked and I don’t find him popping up in my head as much at all and if he does I don’t fight it. I acknowledged him, wish him well and swipe.


Question: I would like to have advice on how to attract an abundance of money in current state so I can pay loans back? I've tried by manifesting and visualisation and yet to see results yet.

Answer: The main reason you do not have abundance of wealth in your life right now is because your focus is on the lack of abundance in your life. I know this may sound harsh, but right now you are programmed to not have wealth; it is not in your current paradigm. However, do not feel bad, the problem with most people in this area is that they lack awareness. I want you to look at how the question was worded “I would like to have advice on how to attract an abundance of money in my current state.” The way I interpret that is that you are searching for money, you are feeling as though there is not enough to go around. The real problem here is that you are not in vibrational harmony with the money you desire. You are asking for the money from a space of lack and like the LOA states, you attract what you think about. So if you are thinking that you need the money to pay off your loan, you will continue to attract needing money for your loan. See, you can visualise all you want, but what you need to do is get in harmony with already having the money you desire. Act and feel as if you have the money you need and you will attract it into your life. I was stuck in this kind of thinking for a long time, but I remember Bob Proctor saying “If your goal is to get out of debt, I guarantee you that you will stay in debt.” I have to agree with him; if you think that you need the money to pay the loan and you feel on a subconscious level that you need the money to pay the loan you will attract more of the same. But if you begin to feel as though you have the money, and positively affirm (with emotional feeling) “I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis” you will begin to see more wealth flow into your life to use how you please.

Another major thing is to be grateful for the money you have now. Be thankful that you have the money to make the loan payments, be thankful for the money of the loan because you used that money for something good that you needed at the time. Gratitude is one of the most powerful forces on the planet. Once you begin to feel grateful for the abundance that is already in your life you will attract more of that into your life.

Let me share with you my story of how gratitude allowed me to manifest over $3,000.00. I was in a similar situation, I wanted to pay down some debt, I was struggling to pay rent and I didn’t have the money to support either. I then started writing down daily ten things I was grateful for and

always finishing them with the words “thank you.” After about a week I started noticing more positive effects happen in my life, I would find nickels and dimes on the ground and immediately be grateful that I was provided for. When I was grocery shopping, I had an impulse of thought to spend my last $4.00 on a lottery ticket (the voice inside said to buy one and I listened). When I went to check the ticket I found I had won $88.00. I screamed at the top of my lungs, “I won the lottery thank you, thank you, thank you!” People looked at me like I was crazy, but I knew the LOA was working. I was grateful for what I had, and thinking about wealth flowing into my life and it was. It was about a month later when I was doing my taxes and I wasn’t sure how it was going to turn out. Money was getting tight, but I had faith that the universe provides for me when I need it. By the time the return was done I had manifest a return of over $3000.00; enough to not only cover rent, but also to pay down some debt and save for the future.

The Law of Attraction works whether you think positively or negatively. It’s up to you to have the power to think about what you really want, and not what you don’t want. When you begin to harness the power of the Law of Attraction, you will begin to see dramatic changes in your life. You will begin to attract the right people, the money, and all the resources that you need to achieve what you want.

To your success,

Jacob Lethbridge

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